Busy and fun :)
If you have never seen Yerushalayim erev-pesach....
You aint seen pesach yet!
On channukah its the menorah's and sufganiyot in every random makolet
Sukkos time you hear nail-banging at ever hour
Pesach you hear vacuming!
Every hardware store and anything store sells gas burners, toaster ovens, pots and peelers! Brooms, sponges, sink inserts and shelf-paper!
( 'Bedatz' shelf paper of course)
The gas station- 50 shekel to vacuum inside my tiny car!!
Let's not forget the supermarkets..
Um there were people in the rain waiting outside the store an hour before it opened!
You think the pushing on buses is bad.. try Israeli pesach shopping- its like bumper cars- without the padding- and bumper car traffic jams down every aisle!!
Help! All I want is a box or two of matzah and some pesach cereal!
Well, we managed.. with the beatles playing on your ipod- anything is possible
I guess all you need really is love
Please Note-
Public Hagolas Keilim and Mechiras Chometz will take place IY"H sunday between 10:00 and 12:00 outside every shul and shtiebel.
(All pots must be clean and not a Ben Yoma bevakasha)
Now all we're waiting for is the mass chometz burnings! The say it puts Lag Ba'omer to shame!
Chag Kosher V'Samaech
Man I would love to be there during the holidays
cute cartoon! I will be in Israel for Pesach too! Chag Sameach!
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