Monday, January 29, 2007

My Time

Those Hours. When. You actually feel like you're alive.
Instead of your life living you.
Things are vibrant, dynamic. The world is opportune, beautifully vivid and colourful.
How does it come? And go? How to remember that.. when you barely have to energy to. The sheer dreariness of a sad state. Can I possibly live any other way than this Other-controlled roller coaster carrying me along? To be doomed to dreary colourlessness till a song, a smile, a breath.. a word, rain, or a bit of sun, miraculously emerges me out of my gray box of a mind...
And then.
There is my time. Yoga. Breathe. Bend and fold with grace. With focus. The air is mine. My mind is mine. My body stretching as my mind eases out... Breathe, relax, focus, invigorate.
Take care of yourself, take control of your day. Just for today.
There is no box and there are no boundaries.


ggggg said...

I like your style of writing. Keep up the good work!

I am adding your blog to my links.

ggggg said...
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Rivka Photography said...

That had a soothing rhythm. It's like living life to its fullest while noticing every part of life.

David_on_the_Lake said...

Mmm your words are like magic..
Ive got to try yoga one of these days...

Anonymous said...

This is top notch stuff. Pure art. to repeat the Lakewood vendor, "keep u the great work!"

rebeccabeth said...

Thanks guys

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Nice blog, beautiful writing.

smb said...

your writing is like a breath of fresh air