Sunday, January 28, 2007


My daily companion
It's the pain and struggle
That comes with being me
Being human
In this life against my will-
I am paralyzed, engulfed
I cannot be an active participant
My mind is dark
And racing- constantly
Thoughts and images fly of their own accord
The gravitational pull of my heart
Is almost overpowering
Like a magnet to a dark, endless pit below me
That I must resist, and resist
I struggle to uplift, to emerge
To see light, beauty
Meaning and purpose
In me, in you
In the world, in God
I am a tree
And the earth
I am solid, strong
I am honest and stubborn
My only hope is to direct
My power
Any which way I choose
Gravity pulls me down
Yet only from the Earth can I rise
In my world
Trip called growth
Simply the process of living each day
Drawing the nutrients
Buried deep and invisible
Into my every limb
To flourish, to grow beautiful
To provide shade and fruit
To all who pass me by
The goal, to give


David_on_the_Lake said...

what a beautiful and deeo concept...
the earth that pulls u down also supplies ur nutrients..
Find them and grow..
I know u can...

Bas~Melech said...

I found you through David, I think you have a fan! No time to read thoroughly now, but I think I'm gonna like you :) Welcome to blogland.

rebeccabeth said...

Thank you!

rebeccabeth said...

This is outstanding!...but then of course I'm biased... I identify..takes a while, but I think I'm getting there too...